We Sow we Grow summit speakers
We are SO excited to finally be able to announce our speaker lineup for our 2nd Annual We Sow We Grow Summit, and we think you’ll be delighted too.
Our speakers span the growing spectrum and as promised, will take you from seed to table and everything in between. This year we’re also offering a medicinal cannabis session and we’re anticipating being able to offer more of those types of workshops over the next year.
We can’t lie though – it’s been a doozy of a year since our inaugural summit. Often hoping that we would be long past the pandemic and able to gather safely in public again thus offering a hybrid option. Unfortunately, the summit will only be virtual this year, but it will still be as amazing as it was the first time we brought it to you.
Our team has worked very hard to bring a diverse lineup when it comes to sessions offered and presenters. You’ll even notice that we have our “Wee Sowers & Growers” presenting this year too! Kids are an integral part of growing food, flowers, and even community and we need to make sure that they are able to convey their love of growing just like we do.
So. Have you gotten your ticket yet? You can save $20 using code LASTCHANCE until October 8th!
Stay tuned for our next post announcing the schedule!